Our teams

At Jadarat Group, we hold a strong believe in the power of “WE”. We based all our work, tasks and efforts on the value of teamwork. Furthermore, we believe that true value is provided through diversity and pluralism, so we recruit skillful individuals and work with innovators and superiors in order to provide the expected level quality of our services. Our teams include a number of teams that work according to specialization, experience and passion, as we are keen to select the most suitable and capable according to specific criteria and superior specifications. Therefore, we work through teams of experts and talented people. We have classified them into two main groups:

Expert pool

This group includes highly experienced and qualified individuals, who could add a great value on our services. We are pleased to present our experts in the profiles below:

Name : Dr. Nabil M. Eljaaidi

Title : Strategist and Management Consultant

Education and Experience :

  • PhD in Management-Hull Uni-UK
  • Strategy and Business Models
  • Organization Design and Analysis
  • HR and Development
  • Quality Management Systems

Contact details : Mobile: 00218 91 6606885

                   Email: ceo@jadarat.ly

Name : Dr. Abdulaziz Elwalda

Title : Business Analyst

Education and Experience :

  • PhD in Business Management
  • Marketing
  • Business Models
  • Organization development
  • HR
  • Start-up

Contact details : Mobile: 218 910570938

                     Email: po@jadarat.ly

Name : Elmunir Elgajiji (MSc in Computer Science)

Title   : CEO of Tasameem for IT Solutions

Education and Experience :

  • Tasameem for IT solutions (www.Tasameem.ly)
  • ITC Certified Trainer on Euromed Trade Helpdesk
  • Website designing
  • ERP systems
  • Multi-media applications designing
  • Customized software
  • Teaching assistant at Misrata University (Computer Science College)

Contact details : Mobile:00218917322728

                  Email : elmunir@tasmeem.ly

Name : Dr. Ali A. Tika

Title  : PhD in Development- South Africa

Education and Experience :

  • Informal economies
  • Informal food sector
  • Multiple jobs holding
  • Market research
  • Informal labor market

Contact details : Mobile:00218917158258

                  Email : teka2006@yahoo.com

Name : Mr. Esam O. Eljamel

Title  : MSc in Finance – Libya

Education and Experience :

  • Financial analysis
  • Financial Consultancy
  • Investment strategies
  • Islamic finance
  • Visibility Studies
  • Corporate valuation
  • Asset management

Contact details : Mobile:00218913303830

Email : esam.eljamel@eps.misuratau.edu.ly.com

Name : Dr. Saleh Ahmed ALSHADLI

Title  : A Legal Advisor

Education and Experience :

  • Private Law
  • Lawyer since 2003
  • Drafting Contracts
  • Dispute Resolution
  • International law

Contact details : Mobile:00218925136192

                  Email : dr.alshadli@gmail.com

Name :Khaled Embarek

Title  :Cyber Security Consultant

Education and Experience :

  • MSc in Forensic Computing
  • Cyber Security and ITC Governance
  • Compliance Auditing
  • Digital Forensics
  • Capacity Building
  • PKI Deployment and Operation
  • SOP Design and Development

Mobile: +218913753439.



Talent pool

Name : Mr. Haytem Abdulla Dakhil

Title  : MSc in Management & Organization

Education and Experience :

  • Marketing
  • Consumer behaviour

Contact details : Mobile:00218916780659

                  Email : haytemdakil1@gmail.com

Name : Raja H. Tababa

Title: Quality Training Officer

Education and Experience :

  • MBA
  • Training & Development
  • Business networking
  • MSEs
  • Public Relations

Contact details : Mobile:00218928929995

Email : info@jadarat.ly

Name :Mohamed I. Lawaj

Title:Management consultant 

Education and Experience :

  • PhD in Management- Hull Uni
  • Human Resource Management
  • Quality assurance systems
  • Performance management
  • Career staffing and job description

Mobile:  0911409901

Email: lawajm@gmail.com

Name :Adnan Benwheba

Title:Business development consultant

Education and Experience :

  • Master of business administration
  • International relations
  • Project management
  • Research and development
  • SMEs consultant

Mobile: 0910239000

Email: adnanawhiba@gmail